How To Choose A Gun Safe

If you own a fire arm, you need to own a gun safe. If you have children, keeping your guns secured is vital, and even if you have no one else in the house, some states will even hold you liable if your firearms are stolen because they were not properly secured. People choose to own a gun for various reasons. Some want it handy should they need it to keep them or their family protected. Others have a gun collection that may be of sentimental or antiquity value. Regardless, knowing how to choose a gun safe is very important and has more at stake than just keeping belongings secured.

Gun safes are different from regular home safes in that they include extra space for long firearms and protection from the elements. They are typically taller than they are wide which allows tall guns to stand on end safely. Gun safes are made in a variety of different configurations and prices. Some have thick walls and doors, some are security cabinets which have thin sheet metal walls, basic locks, and no fire or water protection. Gun safes receive a rating from the Underwriters Laboratories (UL). The higher the UL rating the more secure the safe.

First, like with any safe, when selecting the best gun safe for your needs, you first need to know what gun, or guns, you are wanting to store in the gun safe. A rifle, for instance, is going to require different space requirements than a hand gun. But, there are other things to consider as well including size, weight, lock type, and fire rating.


Safe sizes vary, and your size needs are different than others' as well. Some have an extensive collection of firearms while others want a safe for just one gun that can be installed on a wall or on the floor. Some build a safe larger than they need currently so they will account for future gun purchases. Of course, you will want to make sure that the guns you plan on storing inside the safe will fit. Things tend to look smaller when they're sitting in a display showroom inside a huge store. Once you get it to your house, you realize the safe is too large or too small for your actual space. Before you buy a gun safe, it is important that you measure it to get the safe dimensions of width, depth, and height.  When you measure the safe, don't forget to include the handle to add to the depth dimensions of the safe.


The heavier the safe, the less likely it is that someone will make off with it. If you forego the weight in exchange for having the safe bolted down to a wall joist, keep in mind that some newer houses are being built with post-tension slabs which you won't be able to drill into.

Lock type – Mechanical v. Electronic

Select the type of lock that best meets your needs. Locks range from basic lock and key, combination locks, electronic keyboards, to fingerprint entry. To gain quick access to the gun safe, an electronic lock may be your best bet. However, a mechanical or manual lock is the most reliable but can also be more time consuming to open.

Fire Rating

If your guns are stored with ammunition, fire protection is very important.  However, not every gun safe is fire proof or fire resistant. For the safest storage of your guns, look for a safe that has a good fire rating.

Keep these helpful tips in mind when deciding how to choose a gun safe. To make sure you buy the best gun safe for your needs and that it is properly installed, contact a professional locksmith who deals with safes. Choose a locksmith who is not only able to install the gun safe but also able to help you with future maintenance, lost keys, repair, or replacement in the future. 

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